let’s evolve as men!

About Dr. John Schinnerer

And The Evolved Caveman Podcast

Dr. John Schinnerer

Author. Psychologist. Podcast Host. Man Box Revolutionary.

Dr. John Schinnerer coaches men to greater success and happiness at work and at home; for if you don’t have all 4 of these, you have none of them.  Dr. John graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a Ph.D. in psychology.  He was an expert consultant for Pixar’s Inside Out.  Dr. John recently received the award for Leadership in Healthcare in 2022, and Best Executive Coach in Danville for 2020. He has spoken to organizations such as Stanford Medical School, U.C. Berkeley, Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Health and UPS. Dr. John has coached executives at Meta, Kaiser, Twilio, Okta, Stanford University, AirBnB, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and more. He has been featured in national media such as U.S. News and World Report, Readers Digest, Fatherly and SELF Magazine. His areas of expertise range from high performance, to stress management, the Man Box Culture, to positive psychology, to anger management, to creating happy, thriving relationships.  Dr. John hosts a top 10 (in self-help) podcast to help men find success and happiness, The Evolved Caveman. Over 20,000 people have taken his online anger management course. He recently recorded micro courses on anger management and forgiveness for Simple Habit; they have been listened to nearly 200,000 times in the first year. 

On the personal side, Dr. John weathered a contentious divorce back in 2010, the death of his son Brett due to a fentanyl overdose in October of 2023, spinal stenosis and spinal surgery in his lifetime. He has overcome depression and anxiety. These life experiences help him to normalize, empathize and heal others with similar experiences. Presently, he is happier than he has ever been due to his incredible daughter, Molly, and his amazing relationship with his partner, Joree Rose, who is a therapist, and his two bonus daughters, Ari and Kami. They have a wonderful life with their golden doodle, Buddha (who is often not very Buddha-like despite their best efforts). 

Visit TheEvolvedCaveman.com to learn more about the podcast. For information on high performance coaching, visit GuideToSelf.com.

The Evolved Caveman Podcast

Over five years, the podcast has over 270 episodes with hundreds of guests and over 200,000 downloads. It has positively impacted tens of thousands of people.

The Evolved Caveman Podcast was born, reluctantly, during a Costa Rican retreat with author and spiritual mentor, Dan Millman (author of The Way of The Peaceful Warrior). During a sound meditation, John had a vision. In the vision, he rode an elk through a forest, over a creek, to a cave. When he went into the cave, he discovered a treasure chest. In the chest, were a microphone, a laptop and headphones. “Damnit! I guess I’m supposed to do a podcast,” John said to Joree afterwards. It could have been called The Reluctant Podcaster just as easily.

It has been 5 years since he began doing (mostly) weekly episodes, with authors, academicians, revolutionary thinkers, and his partner Joree Rose. The podcast includes over 270 episodes and hundreds of interviews with luminaries on topics such as taming the inner critic, addiction, relationship, masculinity, self-compassion, forgiveness, positive psychology, better sex and intimacy, meaning and purpose, people pleasing, anger management, stress reduction, attachment styles, shame, depression, anxiety, positive emotions, primal world beliefs, and much, much more.

The podcast is Dr. John’s way to offer many, many tools to make your life more fulfilling, purposeful and happier, for free. It is an offering in an attempt to heal men, in particular, and the world in general.

Love Isn’t Enough

New relationship work by Joree & John

A new offering by Dr. John and Joree to teach couples how to show up more effectively in relationship for greater happiness and fulfillment. Offerings include virtual couples coaching, online monthly master classes, a new podcast, Love Isn’t Enough, and soon a book!

Imagine this…you and your partner are having the same old argument that you normally do, but instead of getting angry, with no resolution, then sweeping it under the rug, you are able to have an effective conversation, in which you both feel heard, you repair quickly and actually feel closer as a result on understanding one another more deeply. This is possible!

Everyone wants to be happy.

And while we all have the best of intentions to be the best partner we can be for our significant other, we often have poor execution on this goal.


Because love isn’t enough.

We are all fed a fairy tale from a very young age: find your one true love, have incredible passion, be best friends, get engaged, get married, have kids, maintain your intimacy, be financially secure, and then you’ll be happy….forever!

This fairy tale has resulted in a 50% divorce rate…and who knows how many unhappy marriages are just sticking it out?

Obviously, love isn’t enough.

You can love someone, and still lose the spark you once shared.

You can love someone, and suddenly find you have nothing in common.

You can love someone, and still not feel seen, heard, or validated.

You can love someone, and not know how to communicate effectively.

You can love someone, and lack emotional depth with them.

You can love someone, and not connect sexually.

You can love someone, and not know how to fight fair.

You can love someone, and still struggle to be supportive, or kind, or honest.

You can love someone, and be growing in opposite directions.

It’s not your fault. It’s just that no one has ever taught you these skills. It IS your responsibility to learn and apply them because…

You and your partner both deserve to be happy and successful in all aspects of your life.